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Thread: [Nexus] Remnant HQ

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    Barbarian in the Playground
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    Jan 2007

    Default Re: [Nexus] HQ

    [Snipers Nest]

    On the streets not far from the HQ (Outside the teleport blocker range at least.) Xavier will teleport in, or more appropriately in a nearby tallish building. This time he was armed, a rather advanced looking sniper rifle slung over his bare back, a pistol at his side and a pair of knives.

    Now he just had to find a good vantage point from which he could take out potential targets, he scans around looking for a potential spot before settling on a broken window with what looked like a good view of what was likely to be the battle field.

    A wicked grin spread across his face as he punched in the start up code for his new toy, this was going to be entertaining, now it was just a matter of offering his services, to both sides.
    (Scene continues next post, broken up so people can react if they so desire.)
    Last edited by celtois; 2011-04-05 at 06:40 PM.
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