Nick Fury
One of the most powerful men in the American Military and secret service stares at the courier until he's very uncomfortable. His one eye is piercing, and his manner frank. They are in Fury's office. In the middle of the pentagon, behind layer after layer of security. It was strange enough that the man was even able to find him, let alone without him being warned about it.
This was not good.
He lifts the intercom on his desk. "If we have been compromised by FedEx, I will end you. You better have a decent explanation for why this happened on my desk in thirty seconds, or so help me you had better defect before I find you." He hangs up before they can answer, then looks the delivery man in the eye. He taps his fingertips together then rests his elbows on the table. He considers a moment. Then he speaks.
"Let me see your clearance. Then you can tell me exactly why me opening this letter is more important to national security then my upcoming meeting with the secretary of defense. Then you can be screened. And if you pass all that, I'll consider looking at it."

"See? I told you we'd hit it big. They can't get enough of us. It will be magazine deals and endorsements from Mars candy next."
"Ha ha! I'm a celebrity!"
"Let's look at the big picture..."
"Yeah, the big picture of me, the heroic leader, about to get on board a private jet! How awesome is this?"
"We don't know they want to -"
"What else would they send a private jet for?"
That out of the way, they board the jet.