Yeah, that pick made me go "d'awwww" too.

Couple random questions regarding Trixie (the pony), if anybody wants to help me out real quick...


In Boast Busters, did Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie even show up? IIRC, they weren't there for Trixie's big show, but they may have popped up near the end of the episode. I'm not sure, though. What would you guess, though, that their views about Trixie would be? I'm guessing rather neutral, due to their lack of involvement and lack of reason to care.

How much of a grudge do you think Rainbow Dash would hold against Trixie for embarrassing her in front of the whole town? I'm thinking... a big one. Of all the ponies in the Mane Cast, I'd say Rainbow would have the hardest time accepting any sort of apology or character change from Trixie - at least, that's the plotline I'm hoping for. Feel free to argue for or against this point...

Assuming Rainbow Dash holds a fierce grudge, how hard do you think it would be for Trixie to fix it or Dash to get over it? That's my one main issue remaining with this storyline; figuring out how to actually fix the situation between them is more difficult than with the other ponies.

Feel free to ask questions or offer advice, if you want.

Also, Youtube is even more evil at my college campus. At home, videos load lickity-split. At school... seriously, it takes way longer to load the episodes than it does to watch them. *head-desk*