
The bugs will have a bit more of a difficult time stitching him up than a normal human, but that's just because his scales resist most efforts t pierce them. Still stitches won't be impossible, and if they are going to work on his other injuries as well somehow he's got the bruise on his stomach and a few pulled muscles in his arms and legs.

"Wiry little guy. I didn't get a good look at his face because of the fake blood though. At the time he was wearing jeans, a tee-shirt and a red fall jacket. The trap he set was unfortunately quite good."

"Posing as someone injured by looters, he looked like he'd taken a few gunshots and was bleeding all over the place. When I asked him who he was, He said his name was Nero, and later confirmed while we were fighting that it was short for Neurosis. He told me there was a hospital nearby, and that he could point out a shortcut through a park, which I took. He exploded into a fog cloud in my arms. Vines started reaching up from the ground and a pair of trees started assaulting me while Nero himself was throwing daggers." He motions to the bruise on his stomach when he mentions the tree, and the gash on his arm when he mentions the daggers, "Strong sucker for such a skinny frame."

"Anyways, after I dealt with the trees, the vines pulled me down into a pit and tried to strangle me. I probably would have died if this creature called Stheno hadn't come to my rescue. If he can set up an ambush for a single person, this Nero guy is going to get quite a few murders under his belt."