J Items

Jewels of Light
  • Look like scintillating crystals of almost any color, although red, blue & green are common, yellow, orange, & purple are rare, & white is very rare.
  • Each stone glows with a bright light in all directions when struck. This illumination is equivalent to a light spell (bright light in a 20’ radius, shadowy light in a 40’ radius), & lasts for 1d10 minutes. A stone can be struck 2d6+8 times before its power is completely expended.
  • Wondrous Item (precious stone).
  • Faint evocation; CL3rd; Craft Wondrous Item, light; price 2,750gp; weight 0 lbs.

Juxtaposition Staff (AKA the Juxtaf)
  • Looks like a simple wooden quarterstaff with a ring of silver (6” diameter) on each end.
  • By turning a tiny dial on the staff, the wielder can set a timer anywhere from 1 to 10 rounds (turning the dial is a swift action). When the timer runs out, the wielder switches places with the staff, via teleportation. If the staff is in the wielder’s hands when the timer expires, the switch will not occur.
  • +1 Throwing quarterstaff.
  • Moderate conjuration; CL 15th, Craft Magic Arms & Armor, teleport; price 48,600gp; cost 24,600gp + 1,920XP.