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Thread: [LYNCH] Twilight IX: Of Wolf and Man!

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    Dwarf in the Playground
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    Default Re: [LYNCH] Twilight IX: Of Wolf and Man!

    Green Arrow
    "They've kidnapped my master's daughter. Now there's some things you may want to know about them. First off, they aren't like the werewolves you're used to reading about. They're more mortal, but are faster, stronger, and more intelligent. They can control their transformations and have formed a base in Canada.
    But the real threat is in the details: They've made alliances with several underground groups and look to wipe out several civilizations to meet their goals. No one knows just how big their ambitions are, but they have killed many innocent people who just happened to be in their way."

    "Just to let you know, I can only take you to my master if you are 100% willing to go. Do you really WANT to go? Do you wish to see what the future holds for you?"

    Cassie Hack
    "We are fine with that. Are you going to be taking our transportation or are you going to be heading out to Italy on your own?"

    Everyone Heading to the Cullen's Place exceptMurdock and Green Arrow
    The driver arrives at a mansion in the woods of a very cloudy city known as Forks, Washington. It seems that several other limousines are arriving at the same time, dropping off the other people recruited by Dr. Cullen. Even Nick Fury unknowingly arrives at the same time as everyone but two people. Somehow people from all over America arrived at a location at the same time without knowing about the others. Puzzling.
    The limo driver opens the door for you and shows you the open door into the Cullen residence.
    "Enter at your own pace. My master awaits your company."

    A lot of sleek, expensive limousines start rolling up to Dr. Cullen's door and letting people off. Your burritos are sitting comfortably in your stomach as you finish off your favorite drink.
    "John? Our guests are here. Please come down for the meeting." Dr. Cullen calls from the living room.

    Everyone Contacted by Mr. X
    Your limousine ride turned into a jet ride in the span of 10 minutes. Then you're pretty sure the jet slipped past Mach 2 on your way to Italy, so you landed in comparably no time at all. Mr. X helps you with your things as he guides you to a hotel near a theater and shows you to a room that was set aside for you personally.
    "We're holding a meeting that you need to be at tomorrow morning in the conference room downstairs. It starts at 9 AM. Please don't be late."
    And with that, Mr. X allows you to your privacy and heads downstairs.

    Everyone Headed to the President's Conference
    You all managed to individually get yourselves down to a meeting hall where a bodyguard asks you for identification. As you show it, he allows you inside where another bodyguard shows you to a secret underground location where the president has set up a conference table.
    "Glad that you could make it, (insert character name here). Please, help yourself to the food and find a seat. As soon as everyone arrives, I'll start my briefing."
    Last edited by The Shoveler; 2011-04-15 at 04:34 PM.
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