Quote Originally Posted by dehro View Post
could it not just be that the doctor is a trouble magnet and since he likes earth, trouble comes to earth..because history tends to form around him on account of him being the last timelord and therefore also some sort of ...history magnet
I have always liked this idea, that the Doctor just has a way of 'making history' happen, just by being there.

The problem is the show does it so badly. The Sontarins come to Earth and do a whole plot to make smog cars for months, if not years. The same thing with the cute little 'fat' thinghys, that plot took time. And so on...

I do also hate the 'Hitchhickerafication' of Doctor Who. In the Old Who, Earth, or let alone the universe was never in that much danger of destruction. But in New Who, the space liner Titanic crashing was powerful enough to obliterate the Earth. One tiny spaceship and boom, no more planet. And if it's so easy to obliterate things by accident, they why is the Earth even still there....someone would have dropped a dommsday penny by now. And if you can obliterate a planet by accident, why do we never see items created to obliterate planets on purpose!. In fact, you would not even need an armada, if a space canoe could accidentally obliterate a solar system.