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Thread: My Little Pony V: Art of the Thread

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    Troll in the Playground
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    Default Re: My Little Pony V: Art of the Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by PhoeKun View Post
    edit: by the way, if you don't mind me asking... what was it that made you give Fluttering Heart a read despite the big gaudy shipping tag?
    'Cause you read my stuff and I wanted to return the favor. I tried that one because the description said it wasn't hard shipping, and I actually don't mind short, unrequited shipping fics (not that it's unrequited in your fanon, but more that in the context of that story, Fluttershy didn't get to have her way). I also enjoyed one someone else wrote based on a picture where Applejack confessed to Rainbow Dash during a rain storm and Dash just wasn't interested.

    ... man, my tastes are weird. "No stories about ponies in love unless it's unrequited and one pony is miserable."

    Edit: As for the "Iron Hoof" implications. I deny them, as always. I'm more inclined to chalk it up to dodgy parenting. After all, it's not like the kids are in school every single day. Much like kids in our worlds will go off somewhere away from adult supervision to do stupid things, the pegasi will run off for dangerous flying races.

    As for Fluttershy... I'm not sure there's a way to put a good spin on it. The fact that she made it to early teens (she's older than the rest of them by at least one year and was noticeably taller and lankier than the others... interestingly, this shatters the idea that Rarity is the oldest of them because she most clearly had the same little kid character design as the rest) disproves the Spartan theory. I don't know if her parents were apathetic, if she was getting flight therapy (the same way a kid with a speech impediment gets speech therapy), if the idea of a pegasus living on the ground was foreign to them so they didn't consider the possibility, or what. There was some fundamental mistake made on their part in not helping her explore non-flying career paths. Whether it was excusable or not is pure speculation.

    Additional Edit: Also, New PMV!
    Last edited by darthbobcat; 2011-04-18 at 01:24 PM.
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