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Thread: My Little Pony VI: MUFFINS!

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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony VI: MUFFINS!

    Quote Originally Posted by AlterForm View Post
    Email away for the Pony Week banner. Now to get some work done on this paper so I have time to make a submission for the Friend-off...**grumble**
    Actually, I do have a proposal for you now. Don't know if you're just moving on without it, or... well, here it is, regardless.


    Panel 1
    Rainbow Dash sits in front of a desk, wearing a nice suit. Her hoofs are steepled in front of her.
    RAINBOW DASH: My fellow Equestrians. As your duly appointed Best Young Flyer, I come to you tonight to talk about a threat to our very way of life.

    Panel 2
    Rainbow Dash slips on reading glasses.
    RAINBOW DASH: Some ponies in a place called...

    Panel 3
    Rainbow Dash squints, reading a sheet of paper
    RAINBOW DASH: "Pony Chan" have been posting wicked and libelous art.

    Panel 4
    Dash stands up and points at the reader
    RAINBOW DASH: This art implies that I regularly abuse and misuse Scootaloo. This is ridiculous. Scootaloo is a cute little kid and I'm not monster.

    Panel 5
    Scootaloo is there, covered in coal stains, holding a coal brush and dressed like a 19th century orphan.
    SCOOTALOO: I finished out your (cough) chimney, Dash. What else did you want me to do?
    RAINBOW DASH (look of shock and horror): ...

    Panel 6:
    Rainbow Dash looks very scared and embarrassed.

    Panel 7:
    Rainbow Dash gets a sheepish grin and starts pushing Scootaloo off panel.
    RAINBOW DASH: Heh heh heh... kids and their games! That's all. Good night, everypony!
    SCOOTALOO: (Coughs piteously)

    Rather dark humor that I don't believe in, but potentially funny.
    Last edited by darthbobcat; 2011-04-24 at 09:09 PM.
    My anime review podcast is coming back after a one year hiatus!