Quote Originally Posted by Dienekes View Post
You see, I got that Tywin actually does care about his children (two of them anyway) he just is completely clueless how to show it, and of course, he cares about them less than he cares about politics. My only bit to back this up is when:
Jaime gets captured and Tywin goes completely unresponsive for a moment. It was possibly his one scene of vulnerability, ever. He cared about this son, and I think he cared about Cersei a little as well. I think the main problem is that Tywin demonstrates his caring through pushing them into what he thinks is best for them. Cersei would, in his mind, be honored more as a queen than anything else. Therefore she will be a queen, dammit. He personally did not gain anything from that arrangement, Robert wouldn't put him as Hand again, but he was setting up for his favored children to be in a perfect position for dominance.

Also he actually seems hurt, which quickly transforms into anger, when Jaime refuses to leave the White. It's kinda obvious which if his children he favors anyway.
To me, both times this actually seemed more upset at the loss of an heir than upset at the loss of a son. Tywin has made it clear that Tyrion will never be his heir, and Cersei's only value is as a prospective bride (remember, it's not long before he plans to marry her off again). Tywin's probably too old to have another son, so without Jaime, he either has to make Tyrion heir (ain't gonna happen) or pass him over for another part of the family and possibly break the Lannister name.

I don't know. If there was another healthy and hale son, I suspect he would not be as upset by those two events.