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Thread: When you play the Game of Thrones...

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    Titan in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Default Re: When you play the Game of Thrones...

    Brienne believed him easily enough. In fact, he could have kept some conspirators alive to say. Or showed people the evidence. There must have been crates of the stuff everywhere to explode the city. Aerys was called "the Mad King" for a reason. Yes, I do believe people would think it was in line with him to try and detonate like that.

    Or, you know, there really wasn't a reason for him to kill Aerys. He was the only bodyguard left. All he really had to do was sit and wait for his father or Ned to show up. Bonus points because I'm willing to bet that Aerys would be blathering about how they would all go up in flames.

    Sure, he'd still be called Kingslayer by the Ned's of the world. That can't be helped. But to most he'd be lauded as a hero, to the commoners especially those who live in Kings Landing he'd be their savior.

    Besides, I still firmly believe: You threw an innocent child to their deaths. You have officially revoked the right to complain about people treating you unfairly ever again.
    Last edited by Dienekes; 2011-04-27 at 07:19 AM.