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Thread: (IC) Aaahhhh!! This is madness!!

  1. - Top - End - #171
    Ogre in the Playground
    Beschoren's Avatar

    Join Date
    May 2008
    Porto Alegre, Brazil

    Default Re: (IC) Aaahhhh!! This is madness!!

    The Megamouther takes a lot of damage in little time - several of his eyes and mouths are ripped apart from him, but seems to have made him even more angry.

    He trows his mouths blindly at Krig's direction, spiting acid to some random location

    Automisses ranged touch attack (he can't even aim)

    miss 1-50
    Bite VS krig (1d20+15)[35], miss (1d100)[66], damage (1d2+12)[14], grapple (1d20+19)[20]

    Bite VS krig (1d20+15)[31], miss (1d100)[40], damage (1d2+12)[13], grapple (1d20+19)[33]

    Bite VS krig (1d20+15)[26], miss (1d100)[19], damage (1d2+12)[13], grapple (1d20+19)[33]

    Bite VS krig (1d20+15)[21], miss (1d100)[34], damage (1d2+12)[13], grapple (1d20+19)[29]

    Bite VS krig (1d20+15)[30], miss (1d100)[68], damage (1d2+12)[14], grapple (1d20+19)[36]

    Bite VS krig (1d20+15)[35], miss (1d100)[97], damage (1d2+12)[13], grapple (1d20+19)[27]

    con damage: (1d4)[2]

    -----------round 4 -----------your turn!

    Last edited by Beschoren; 2011-05-01 at 11:28 PM.
    Shoe, the make-belive gun dealer
    Akira, the psichyc warrior

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