This is why I suggested the "zombie" miniplot approach. It doesn't depend on anyone specific, anyone can NPC the "zombies" (ultimately the Big Bad(s?) are there for exposition purposes), and it gets players moving.

This only directly addresses the Mortal World, however.

Suggestions for Soul Society (since Draken is already addressing court intrigue):

- Waves of wild Hollows. Same basic principle, different protagonists.

- Kujo's remnants. At no point was it ever specified that Kujo and his invading entourage were the only members of his party (and, indeed, it was suggested the dude infiltrated SS's ranks before). We'll need Frozen's permission to run this one, out of courtesy if nothing else.

- Central 46 access is mysteriously cut off from Soul Society, access-wise and communications-wise. Small-scale localized incidents start taking place near the locations being rebuilt. Paranoia spikes as rumors fly about of mind-controlled Shinigami kidnapping members of the rank and file and "converting" them for some nefarious and unknown purpose. Potentially, riots break out as the unseated blame the ongoing crisis on a lack of urgency on the part of their commanding officers (since they're more likely to be protected in the long run). The lack of discernible command as numerous divisions are left with only acting officials or get outright routinely commanded by third seats and below only further complicates matters.