Quote Originally Posted by Kayne650 View Post
[SWORD Base]

Vincent looked at Subject 1864, a cruel grin highlighting his sharp features. "Well, that sounds like our cue, doesn't it?" He said. "Follow me, Eighteen. We have work to do." He led the subject down a series of corridors that led to a sleek black car of indeterminate make and model. "Get in, Eighteen." Vincent said simply, sliding into the driver's seat.

Once they were both situated, Vincent flipped a switch on the center console, opening the glove compartment to reveal a silver cylinder. "You were correct in your assessment, Eighteen." Vincent said as they drove. "Engaging an Arrancar in direct unarmed combat is tantamount to suicide. That is why I'm giving you this, for this mission alone. It is a modified Seele Schneider, and can be used in melee combat. It will activate when I tell it to and deactivate when I tell it to. It will take the shape of a European long sword. I trust you have been trained in their use? Speak quickly now, we're reaching our destination. And if that last message is any indication, Mr. Kane is in a bit of trouble."

[Near Sereg]

Mayumi had intended to just watch, because she was sure that she recognized the voice of the suit of armor's occupant. Unfortunately, the armor seemed to scramble his voice, so she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Even more unfortunately, the Arrancar had decided to up the stakes, forcing Mayumi to play her hand.

"A silver rod strikes the five-fingered stone bed. Gritz!" Her command came from kilometers away; so far that her eyes couldn't actually see the Arrancar or the man. Thankfully, two beads of Ginto hung in the air nearby, one to transmit sight, and the other to transmit sound. It was all she needed.

But though they couldn't see the woman, they could see the effects of her spell. A silver coffin of pure reiatsu bearing the signature Quincy cross enveloped Sereg. It was strong, but Sereg would be able to break out if he tried. Mayumi was not strong enough to hold an Espada for long.

And it was from the second Ginto that her voice emanated now. "This won't hold him long. If you're going to do something, do it now!" Her statement was punctuated by five arrows flying seemingly out of nowhere to pierce through the coffin, hopefully striking right through Sereg.
Sereg's eyes widen just before the coffin surrounds him. A barely audible "What the?" is heard before he's enclosed in the reishi prison. As the arrows penetrate the box, they seem to stop prematurely. Inside the box is Sereg, the five points of contact pressing against his skin, the heirro holding them back. "Well, $*@!. Glad that box held off most of the power from those things." A powerful and heavy burst of reiatsu escapes the coffin, followed by another. Soon, Maumi can feel the power pushing against the walls, and Josiah can no longer feel the thrums.

"Let's get Wild." An even harder burst of power shatters the coffin, the pieces raining down like glass as Sereg sonido's toward the city, firing his charged cero at Josiah before he goes. "Might not want to piss me off. Good way to lose a city if you ask me."