Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
A company shouldn't be doing anything to you based on an extra curricular, as it were (non-company related activity, you get what I mean). Just like, although the CEO might not like, say, square-dancing, he has no way to do anything that would actively affect your job position based solely on the fact that you go to a square-dancing club after work (just one really terrible example).
While in theory your boss can't fire you because you like square-dancing, there are a lot of ways to fire someone arbitrarily without using the real reason. There's all sorts of dumb legal loopholes employers can use to fire someone they want gone. So if your square-dancing hating boss finds out you square dance then all they have to do is keep making your job worse and worse until you quit or find a superficial reason to fire you that will stand up in court - and there are a lot of those.

Quote Originally Posted by unosarta View Post
although I did cross dress in preschool; also, my parents are AMAZING. Like, I went through all of preschool wearing a dress every day, and never got any flak for it, from anyone. I don't remember a single person ever saying that only girls wore dresses, or that I was being "wrong". I am so glad my parents are so awesome
This is:
A) adorable
B) superawesomefanstico