Obviously there's a range of healthy sizes. I don't know if Lady Gaga is actually medically undernourished or just built like a pencil, but if I was her friend, I'd be telling her to take it easy and make sure she was getting three square meals. Separately, I don't find that stick-thin look attractive, especially not on women because hips and breasts are there for a reason, but I could understand that some people like skinny, same way some people like curvy, or pear shaped, or ripped, or whatever. In fact, my partner is at the low end of the healthy weight range, and 6'1", but Lady Gaga looks like she's about half his size, but not much shorter, in that video anyway. I've seen other videos and wasn't so struck by it, but then, she was wearing clothes or clothes-like structures at the time.

Also, I understand that semi- or completely naked isn't always about sex, and I have seen great pieces of art that show the human form in a non-sexual way. But the way she was dancing? I mean, there was a lot of birth imagery, but typically it's a pregnant women who gives birth. Since she clearly wasn't pregnant, that interpretation only goes so far.

And I second We Are The Champions, because it is kick ass!