With Fireball, its possible that boosting a fireball could actually _hurt_ Var, by making it too hard for Var to actually kill the monsters in the stack, for example if the best of the first two monsters in the stack had 10 defense, but the third monster had 15 defense, a boost might make it so that Var killed no monsters rather than two or three. A Get Angry! card played by another player might be used to this end. Because of this, should players be able to choose between using a fireball and between a garden variety fireball, or should boosts be forced?

Additionally, the list of what you may or may not do while fleeing the dungeon does not include a ruling on trading in loot for schticks. May you or may you not?

Similarly, may someone assist another player while they are fleeing the dungeon?

If several people are dead and at the dungeon enterance while Xykon is killed how does the BR for fleeing the dungeon work? Do they get 0 because they died? Do all the people who were there when Xykon died tie? Do they retroactively get points in the order they reached the top?

Also, can a player use Poorly Planned Illusion on Xykon's stack without using it on Xykon himself?