Okay here is one.

Belkar had a Loot which is three times drooled over by Elan. I knew this because he tried to use it to gain assistance from me with it. I refused it because of a couple of backstabbing events earlier. He steps into an empty room and triggers a new stack of monsters. He fails his Defense (ooo, its blue text) and is injured for the fourth time (A monster did it, I swear) and subsequently is forced to drop a random Loot and begin fleeing. He only had three Loot at the time so odds are not bad that this Loot is the one I want. He moves away immediately (this is another question, if he already moved shouldn’t he wait till his next turn to move again?).

On my (Elan’s) turn I step into the room and defeat the monsters. They drop three more Loot. Now, in which order do the Loot get dropped? Do the new Loot go on the bottom, like monster placement, or on top as the rule wording would imply. The rules also specifically state that you must take from the top Loot. Why is that? I suppose it is assumed you would not know what the Loot is so picking from the top is the easiest method. However, in this situation I know what one loot is (or might be), and at the very least I know that the one Belkar dropped is not a trap.