Quote Originally Posted by Chief Parallel Toothpick
here are two questions that came up that we wanted to make sure about.

One: can Haley or Roy use the Party Leader Veto to force someone to use a shtick (this came up when Haley wanted to force Elan to do some wacky hijinks, as opposed to just flipping it so he could not use it) or can you only flip a shtick so the person can't use it?
You can't force them to use it, but my group does allow you to ask them to use it with a party leader veto :P. If they refuse, the schtick flips with no effect.

two: For Elan's bard songs, does the person get one bonus overall for the roll, or, is the bard song bonus for each individual loot card given to Elan, or is it the unlikely situation of the bard song bonus is given for each drool factor?
It is per combat, Elan can't "sing harder" for more loot (heck, you'd have to bribe Elan NOT to sing as loudly, not the other way around!)

Quote Originally Posted by Valanthe Meliamne
As could be expected, a couple of questions came up. The first is about Haley's "Swipe" Schtick. If you use this Schtick on a monster, and successfully swipe a loot from underneath it, can you continue to attack/defend as if you had actually killed the monster?
No idea on this one... we haven't had anyone play Haley yet, good question though!

Secondly, in a less-than-six-player game, say you're in the following situation: You're Roy, and you're on the third level. The other players are on levels one or two (ergo, the NPC PCs are on the same level as Roy). How should the "you can't give loot drooled over a player to an NPC PC" rule be handled in this situation? We played it that it went to the NPC PC, as there was no way to give it to a player (what with them being on a different level, and all).
Thats not how we did it. The PC-NPC rule applies regardless of where the characters are. If you can't give something to Durkon because Belkar is a player, the fact that Belkar is on another level doesn't matter.

The intention of this rule is to make it harder to remove loot from the game (by giving it to NPCs), if you have to wait for Belkar to come down, you have to wait :).

Thanks for answering questions, and for creating such a great game! :)[/quote]