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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Default Re: General Exalted Discussion IV: Roll Join Debate

    Quote Originally Posted by The Rose Dragon View Post
    ((Also, I will note that Harmonious Jade never wears that much in any of her artwork either.))
    Oh crap, you're right! I didn't even realize. Yeah, that seems pretty deliberate, which is kinda awful. I'd say it's a case of slut shaming, but there's not really any scantily clad men to compare it to. Which makes me wonder why there are no scantily clad iconic male Exalted. I mean, Panther is topless, but why can't we get like an Abyssal in a thong? He could be like The Todd, and his catchphrase could be "This is totally 'trappings of the grave'. ESSENCE RESPIRATION FIVE!" (insert high five). Or maybe a Water Aspect in a mankini.

    Hell, why is their clothing in Autochthonia? Isn't he climate controlled or something? Those textiles could be going to work fixing the Great Maker, citizen. Now relinquish yon pantaloons.

    EDIT: Also, squee@foxlix
    Last edited by Xefas; 2011-05-10 at 04:22 AM.