Okay, I know I'm a new voice here, but I read through this and I have a problem. This may not be relavent to everday play, and indeed may need to be omitted so that players don't think about it too much, but why would these dieties which were originally aspects of demons have any alignment other than Chaotic Evil? Are the good and lawful gods just pretending to have these alignments to gain infuence? If not, what could possibly cause a DEMON PRINCE to change alignments? Obviously this doesn't really matter to the common people, or even to the priests, but it might be relavent to a DM designing campaigns. And on that line, do the aspects even care about the game anymore or are they completely isolated from their progenitors motives? Also, a bit about the afterlife/underworld/after-death experiences of this world would be nice to see.

(I love the idea by the way, a demon created world and revitalizing some of the races of DND that don't get enough love, its great)