Quote Originally Posted by Dienekes View Post

Oddly, I believe that the two that GRRM almost always uses as examples to describe the best swordsman were Jaime and Sandor (I think that's who you meant other than Gregor right?) which makes me think they're on more even footing than the rest of the lot.

As to the others, aye Forel is amazing and Garlan is untested. But his training regime is second to none normally dueling against 3 knights at a time and often coming out victorious is very impressive.

One said note about Greatjon is that he possibly performs the most amazing martial feat in the entire series completely offscreen and told in about 2 sentences. Very disappointing there, which is why I add him to the list but with the added "maybe." Personally I think the rest are all on very high footing with Greatjon being a step behind. Maybe on a good day he could beat the rest but I'd say the odds are against him.

And yeah, Arthur Dayne is the only one GRRM confirms was the best swordsman of his time. And he was good enough for the tower mass of ego known as Jaime Lannister had to admit Arthur was better than him. No contest really there.
No, I actually meant Gregor in that instance whom I believe to be technically (as in technical expertise) slightly better than his brother. Sandor might edge him out because of the aforementioned disregard for his own life and practical workmanlike skills. I.e., he doesn't fool around, kills it till it's dead, and moves on. It's important to note that in the end, while he's good at one-on-one combat, and even in the midst of a war, he's not good enough to keep himself up fighting against his brother's dregs in an inn.

And yes, he's able to unhorse Jamie, but that's likely a difference between jousting and actual combat, which is one of the points in the books. Interesting to note, though, how Sandor does in actual combat.

It's just my opinion that I don't think he's that tremendously great in terms of skill, just in how he uses what he's got.