Lizardkin Druid

Ssathiya stares blankly until the meaning of Lumpy's words sink in. Then he just gets mad. Both glower at each other as they face off. The lizardman draws up to his full height towering over the half-orc. Mirroring Yix, a growl emanates from the bottom of his throat. It sounded different from a 7ft scaly muscebound reptile though.

Wittingly Aeroz steps in to defuse the situation. The aggression dies down and he turns to face Aeroz instead.

Do they think so little of me? That I would attack with no cunning. I joined pinkskins... PINKSKINS to hunt a prey my people did not see

Before he opens his mouth to answer however, Elthan and the stranger speak up. Despite sounding familiar, the druid doesn'y understand sylvan and Kiah is forced to resort to common
"sStranger you are...wise. The prey we hunt iss dangerouss. Tricksy and cunning. It hidess in the packmate-bodiess....
Killing not for food or to live...
. It has no place in thiss world. We have hunted it for many moonss now and know where it liess now."

He points back the way they had come.
"It not kill sSheyra maybe but have such thing inside you iss..iss"
He can't find words to express his disgust at the ordeal Shera has to go through.

He remembers the last vision he had seen showing him help from the north instead of directly showing him where sethra had been as all his visions had been about.
How could semunya have not shown me? How could he have deceived me?
A fresh spring of anger wells up in him as he deals witha a sense of betrayal he had not acknowleged. Although he believed the others were going north to help sheyra, he could not for the life of him imagine what they could find there that migh help sheyra i time.

"I must..I must.. go", he still maintains but the conviction has gone out of his voice. His shoulders are slumped and it is clear that Kiah and Elthan have got thru to him.
He stares at the ground until he feels a tap at the side and sees Thokk standing there. Trinark too moves beside him. When Thokk finishes, he says only two words looking intently at the lizardman he had come to regard so fondly
"For Sheyra" with a smile.
He pauses then leans in closer before muttering in a low voice,
" Rescuing Sheyra... is what matters and my heart tells me the key to Sheyra's salvation"
He points northward,
"is there"

The primacy of Sheyra's plight to the latter two packmates he greatly respected moved him to believe that the journey north would be followed by one swifter south.
With a nod of gratitude to both of them and a lighter heart than he'd had since he'd heard about Sheyra he sets off running ahead of all of them to the north.

He only stops to stand at the ridge of the road to take a final look back down the road before continuing to run.

I'm coming for YOU