Quote Originally Posted by Techonce
Perfect Explanation for the three arms:

Elan mistakingly cast a 3.0 spell in a 3.5 world! THis probalbly caused the problem.
The 3.5 spell Disguise Self appears to be identical to the 3.0 spell Change Self... except that Change Self was not a bard spell, at least according to the hypertext 3.0 SRD that I checked. Presumably, Elan found out that he could now cast a spell previously limited to sorcerers and wizards (and Clerics with the Trickery domain) without learning that its name had changed. So yeah, I guess that the improper somatic component could account for the oddity.

(I wonder if he swapped that in on one of the group's level ups or if it just replaced one of his old spells upon conversion to 3.5.)

Quote Originally Posted by BiggusGeekus
Not only are old people better-sighted, they're SEX-AY!!!!!!
Ah, the beauty of aging in a magical fantasy land.

I think of gaining Charisma with age more as becoming a respected elder, someone who seems to know what he or she is talking about.

...I think I'll just keep thinking about it that way.

Quote Originally Posted by OldFart
BTW - it's not just wisdom. Your spot and listen checks go up with age because you actually begin to Pay Attention. ;)
Ah, but paying attention is a part of being wise. That's why Spot and Listen are based on Wis. (Or is it "based off of", as the old man says? Curse this nonsensical language! Curse it, I say!)

Quote Originally Posted by evileeyore
I've been awaiting the "and we liked it line" for ever.
That one is truly a classic. (I think the bit originated on Saturday Night Live, as King Troll sugguested.)

I think I completely misinterpreted Haley's final comment at first. I thought that she was complaining that this wasn't very funny, probably because she's one of the people who have to put up with this guy (and thus was suggesting that Rich had "crafted" a "bad gag"). After rereading, I'm guessing that the intended meaning was different. So, what, she doesn't have any more of the gags they used on Nale and Thog? Presumably, they didn't make those from available materials on the spot if she doesn't already know the Craft DC. Maybe someone else has them, but that seems like the sort of thing the party rogue would be in charge of.
