To me this thread looks like it's a wake-up call to kick myself into finally putting the hours getting my own cartooning up to scratch. I should get around to launching that webcomic I've always been planning to do in order to force me to learn how to draw.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
I chose to flip it because, well, I thought 'drawing opposite to the model will make me think about it more'.
Have you tried turning your reference picture upside down (and drawing your own image upside down as well)? The benefit of doing that is that it helps you think "I need to draw a line that curves like this" instead of "I am drawing an ear, ears should look like this" (symbolic section of the brain then messes it up).

For the artists in the thread, is there a huge benefit in unlearning a horrible pencil grip? I'm a leftie and I grip my pencil like a fist, tucking the pencil into the base of my thumb and wedging the pencil tip between my pointer and middle fingers. Judging from what I've read it's pretty terrible and it means I hold the pencil close to vertical (an artifact of being a leftie), but it's been my grip since forever and everything else I've tried feels wrong. However it's probably a big reason why I prefer to only do drafts in pencil and then do everything digitially, preferrably with vectors where the lines aren't so dodgy.