"Kidnapped? While that is serious, I fail to see why you require over five people to go with you, unless you intend to look for her yourself. And I'm not certain that your intention is not exactly that. What are you planning, Hayashi-san?"

Mayumi notices Rex's approach; the boy had the finesse of a rampaging rhino. However, his exact reiatsu was confusing; she'd mentally cataloged the distinct reiatsu signatures of every Quincy family she knew, because each had their own similarities amongst families. But his was different from any she'd seen in decades, save once.

The Irons.

What were they doing here? Well, she'd deal with that later. Her face showed none of this as she stared at Izumi. She empathized with the girl, but she wasn't about to let them get into something they couldn't handle. Thankfully, if it was what she thought it was, she had a way of finding out if they could handle it.