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    Ettin in the Playground
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Default Re: [FwM] What Has Magic Done? My Little Pony, Without The Kiddy

    Quote Originally Posted by Orzel View Post

    It took a while but after dropping the indoor temperature five degrees, Grills had enough energy to move and talk. In Fetlock tradition, I am buying everypony a drink before I leave. His voice was too strained ro sound like a joyful yell. More like a pained rumble. The brown pony reached into his saddlebag and dropped enough bits to fill all. At home everypony would gasp as this is an act of a colt who accepted his chances of death but this ain't Mt Fetlock.
    [Icy Touch]

    The blue mare didn't notice the drop in temperature, so used she was to cold conditions that a laughable five degrees was hardly noticable. She did however notice the drunk was offering to buy everyone a drink. Icy nodded her head appreciatively, but otherwise said nothing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Mindfreak586 View Post
    "Go ahead, laugh, it's the only backup plan I have since I had to kill Glados since Scarlet and Tyrol failed the third test."
    he stood up from his cards and handed Eric a tuxedo.
    "Put that on. Now, someone has to pretend to be a mare of honor, and a minister."

    "What third test?" Tyrol asked, confused. The guardspony certainly felt way out of his depth here, only partially understanding what was happening around him.

    "I'll be the minister if you don't mind," he glanced at Second Guess, a ghost of a smile on his face. "I don't make a good mare of honour."
    Last edited by Grif; 2011-05-31 at 09:04 AM.