Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
#141? Mind's not clicking to the significance/reference about why Fluttershy has Rainbow's wings as it should. I feel like a complete derp for not getting it Is it based off your avatar?
I don't know what story the image was trying to tell, or what sort of events led up to it, but the visuals leaped out of my screen and punched me right in the face. It's this horrifying twisted combination of the terrifying and the romantic, like seeing everything I care about strained through some sort of nightmare filter. I imagine I'm projecting heavily, but I can feel every part of the relationship I've grown to care about so much emanating from that image, but... shattered. Adding to that the idea of Fluttershy very literally carrying the burden of Dash's memory on her back for the rest of her life, and... I lost it. Completely and utterly. I'm losing it again just trying to put words to it.

I'm not equipped to deal with that picture.