While Llaars is busy on the riverbank, Audric takes out his bedroll, easing Paral on it and trying to arrange it so that he is as comfortable as possible. The young sorcerer is already wounded, bound and gagged. Plus, he has a possessing spirit in his head. For how Audric sees it, he doesn’t need a night outside in the cold on top of it.

While he is moving him, he takes the opportunity to give a look at his wounds and see If there is something he can do to, if not make them better, at least avoid worsening them heal - (1d20+7)[8].

He takes off his armor and takes his turn on the riverbank as well, inwardly cursing his lack of foresight when packing You thought about a bedroll, but you didn’t think, oh, say, spare clothes would be useful, did you, you fool?.
When he goes back to the others, his hair and clothes are dripping wet. He has taken his time to wash off as much as the disgusting slime as possible. “Well, I do feel like a human being again.” he says, and smiles. “Barely.