Nope, smoke launchers come standard on all (or almost all) Codex: Space Marine vehicles, and none of the other upgrades are really worth anything. And, to top it off, I don't actually HAVE any vehicles in this list, aside from the Drop Pod, which barely counts (and probably doesn't have smokes).

Unfortunately I don't have another Land Speeder, or I'd definitely consider that. I don't have any more Scouts either, otherwise I'd just pop out another troops choice and call it a day. However, I'm really starting to like your other idea, Nameless; having some empty Razorbacks running around may be just what I need. Y'see, when I played Grey Knights over the weekend, my Sternguard got Mishap'd to the far end of the table and had to hoof it and died before they really got to the enemy, but with a pair of Razorbacks floating around, I could have run them over and picked up the boys (since you can Combat Squad out of a Pod) no problem. Of course, my Librarian would have been left behind...but maybe next time I'll just take the Gate of Infinity and not have to worry about it. Or just not drop into a Warp Quake'd zone, that would be good too.

...So, question, y'all: Does the Jamming Beacon on a Land Speeder Storm effect only enemy drops, or does it screw me too? It says that NO scatter-reducers work within 6", but then it also says that ENEMIES who try to Deep Strike within 6" scatter farther than normal. Is this exactly what it sounds like, that all Comm-units are jammed, but only enemies face active interference (and are thus the only ones thrown even further off course)? I wouldn't want to end up screwed if I happened to want to Drop Pod in right next to my own Storm.