Ishmael nods once again and bows for real. He is unsure if its necessary but he feels like it.

"It may not be something usual for you or even something worth mentioning but I appreciate all you have done for me. I have not suffered as much as many of you because my abilities and limited magic gifts I was offered from since I was a child have cloaked me from the mistrust of dominari and other races but still I was always fearful of being discovered and was made to think I was somehow tainted and it was my fault." he said and paused.

"I thank you all truly for allowing me to be part of the clan and taking me in. I shall strive to improve the conditions for us and to bring terror to our enemies." he concluded managing to keep his voice from breaking as emotions welled up.

As the ceremony was concluded he nodded to Torgon a fare-well like gesture before turning towards one of the black robes.

"I was told that for the right price, of life or coin, I may be able to ask for further blessings and enchantments?"
he said. "If that is so could you direct me to the suitable individual I should find and talk with?"