Until the narrator comes back, perhaps we should talk tactics? The dungeons are all random, which sounds like it will be a pain. Good side though, all of the monsters will be CR appropriate, which can be good, or bad since CR is kinda wonky. Getting knocked unconscious, losing control, being charmed, etc. will be very, very bad. Instant game over bad, I imagine. Traps will be annoying, so perhaps a quick search in every room? Since everything is randomized, how important the room or door is isn't in question as to if it's trapped, since a door that leads to a broom closet sized room with nothing in it might be dangerously trapped. Doors will probably be frequently, and randomly trapped, stuck, and or locked, so a good way to get past them via sword or pick lock will be good. If all else fails we can just smash it down I guess. I have a feeling this will be a D&D version of Rogue, permanent death included chances are. Well, probably just for that character, we might be able to re-roll and go down again. Who knows, might find our old body and loot it for kicks.