Quote Originally Posted by Suedars View Post
The problem with Batterskull now is that it used to single-handedly give you a game plan against agro. Before agro decks had to kill a turn 2 mystic, because if they let you untap and vial out your Batterskull, they'd just lose. Just by being in your deck it'd preserve your life total, slow them from developing their board, and force them into mulligans.

But now that there isn't the threat of vialing it out, they can often just bury you before you get it out. Vampires can actually play a turn 2 guy, and is much more threatening because of it.

It's still fine, but it's no longer a miracle card that takes a mere 2 slots of your 75 to make you competitive vs. agro, letting you run 73 cards devoted to beating the mirror.
Well, since there isn't much of a "mirror" anymore, that isn't as much of a deal, is it?