Let's see here...what kind of things does my group do....

1. Late players. Usually me, because I'm bad with time management. I was once several hours late to a session because some schoolwork I had to finish took an hour and a half longer than expected.

2. Greedy players. We had a Duskblade who dominated every encounter and took all of the loot. He justified it by saying his character used to be a pirate (Not the best roleplaying, but he's new to D&D). He also criticized my rogue for being ineffective in combat. I started keeping a kill count and was about to make a new character when the DM fixed the problem with Explosive Runes. .

3. Reading sourcebooks in the middle of an encounter. This is all me. I'm a compulsive reader, and will read almost anything set in front of me because I feet like it. I have a bad habit of picking up a sourcebook (Arms and Equipment Guide is my favorite) in the middle of an encounter and looking at the wonderful toys and how I could use them. This has come in handy on occasion, but many times the other players have had to remind me to stop fantasizing over what I could do with a given object.