Quote Originally Posted by tonberrian View Post
So I suppose now would be a bad time to ask you about experiments on determining on what the effects of constant saturation of Friendship-based weaponry has on the unliving?


*sigh* In the spirit of friendship (ahaha) and tolerance, I'll give you my honest opinion. I would suspect, in the absense of it being fatal, that repeated or continutal exposure would eventually result in resistance or immunity. In much the same way as one can build up a tolerance to poison. (This is consistant with enviromental mutations in Undead normally, so it's not a strech.)

The effects on emotionally-charged "natural" incorporeal Undead (e.g. ghosts, spectres, haunts etc) would probably more serious to start with, and possible destructive, as there's no body to attack.

On the other hand claw hoof, I have no idea what effect it would have on Vampires but am fully willing to conduct numerous, numerous experiments on some...volenteers...to obtain empirical data. You k'now. For science.