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    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony XII: No One Can Groove Like the Girls with the Hooves

    I'm the mother flippin' Rhymepegasus
    My beats pop and make the bunnies hop
    and I'm flyin'
    I'm flyin'
    If I choose to continue, you'll choose a new venue
    Cause if I hit you with my rhymes
    The Sweet Sonic Rainboom.

    I'm not just wild, I'm cultured, sophisticated,
    I was raised by a princess and god who married
    And subsequently fancied.

    That's how it goes
    Here's the Hiphopocampus
    The Hip Hop Seahorse

    They call me the Hiphopocampus
    My lyrics are pompous...


    Just posting what I have so far.
    Last edited by Qaera; 2011-06-27 at 09:21 AM.