Quote Originally Posted by Andorax View Post
Ok, I'm going to try my hand at this. One simple, one complex and likely flawed.

Clockwork Dragon:

The Mechanatrix (Fiend Folio, see Planetouched) is usually LN, mostly human looking, just has some sort of minor mechanical-looking trait.

They're healed 1/3 of any electrical "damage" they receive.

Dragonfire Adept (Dragon Magic) has, at 2nd level, the ability to use a Lightning Breath attack once a round.

A 2nd level character with the ability to heal up to full in just a few rounds time, all day long. It's not the only way to do it, but it's not a bad approach.
Amusing. Definately not the only way to do it - especially as there's templates that'll outright give you fast healing for a similar LA.
Quote Originally Posted by Andorax View Post
How I Learned to Quit Worrying About Hit Points:

Cleric 17th.

Endurance, Diehard, Extend Spell, Persist Spell (CA), Touch of Healing (CC)

Cast Delay Death (MiniHB) persisted as a 9th level spell. No bottom limit to the amount of damage you can take without dying, not forced into unconsciousness either.
A couple of things... Delay Death was reprinted in Spell Compendium; in the Spell Compendium version, it's not available for Persisting, due to the variable range (Close). In the Miniatures Handbook version, some DM's will let it be persist-able, others not (not everyone considers Touch a fixed range). Also: Do note that this doesn't prevent the dying state, so you still fall unconscious (but there's ways to fix that, such as Beastland Ferocity or Favor of the Martyr).
Quote Originally Posted by Andorax View Post
Cast Shield Other on all other party members (17 hour duration). Suck it up and don't care.

Spend all the live-long-day after a fight healing everyone back up to half (Touch of Healing) their hit points, including yourself. Everyone else is still effectively at full hps (at half, but take half), and you don't care, period. For a big fight, actually heal people up above the halfway mark (until they have effectively double hps).
As you're getting Persistent Spell anyway, it's simpler to use Mass Lesser Vigor (Spell Compendium) for this. Saves you a feat, and remove the "max 1/2" clause, effectively doubling HP for the party.
Quote Originally Posted by Andorax View Post
It only takes a handful of 2nd level slots, one 9th, and at least one spell that *could* be spontaniously cast as healing of 2nd level or higher held in reserve. Everything else can focus on mitigation, boosts, or butt-kicking.
Reserve Feats require you actually have the spell prepared if you're a prepared caster - yes, you could cast it spontaneously; doesn't matter, as a Cleric is a prepared caster.
Quote Originally Posted by Andorax View Post
Add Fiery Burst or Storm Bolt (CM) as reserve feats, and you have a nice supply of pain-bringing ongoing damage throughout the day.

The Fire Domain, coupled with Fiery Burst and memorizing Elemental Swarm as your 9th level Domain spell would provide that firepower (all-day 9d6 minifireballs).

Stormrage (CD) as a memorized 8th also works with Storm Bolt.

To extend the idea further, distribute these:

Retributive Amulet (56k - BOED)

For any given attack, the attacker takes half damage (Retributive Amulet), the PC takes 1/4, and I take 1/4.

I keep the other PCs up with just enough healing, and sustain them at 1/2 full hps freely after each fight (which functions as 2x their normal hps, since they only take 1/4 damage).

I ignore the damage to me, also restoring it to 1/2 my normal total after each fight (and taking damage off everyone, yes, but only 1/4 of the hits they're suffering).
Further refinement: Divine Metamagic (Persistent Spell). Makes this doable much, much earlier.

Oh yes, and Greater Dispel Magic becomes very, very fatal for you.