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    Troll in the Playground
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Default Re: [MLP FIM] Bridle Shores General Town Thread 3

    @ Deme

    Prologue: With Lemon's incarcerated absence the carnival did suffer a bit in which the responsibility was placed on Maestro's shoulders. The carnival would recover but it would never once again be the glorious fun fair it was during Lemon and Peach's father's reign. Ferias retired mostly ending up in a similar role as Lefty, doing odd jobs. There were less stress wrinkles on his face. Colt Horner and Cherise would continue working at the carnival doing their bits. As for Peach, her involvement was deemed simply circumstantial evidence and she would get off scot-clean at her trial. Later she would have seemed to have just disappeared without a trace.

    Yes, the case was over, but there were still some loose threads dangling, but that's a problem for another pony, another day.

    -The Moonlight Files

    Gearstride-Civic Center-Blargh

    "Lady, this is a kitchen, not a bar. I sincerely doubt you would find alcohol here." Icy dryly commented.

    "Dang it...I'm not looking for the vodka....I can do without that, its tomato juice, lime, etc I'm looking for...as sexy as the ice queen trope is...Uh manure...where was I going with this,"
    Gear clutched her head which still had the lampshade. Their talking seemed to sound louder to her, Gear just found herself in undirected annoyance.
    Last edited by Benson; 2011-06-28 at 09:18 AM.