Quote Originally Posted by Deme View Post
He had been fussing over some applications for receptionists when someone came slamming in. In the front room... Well, he had left the snake there. So Purple was staring directly into the glossy black eyes of a night-dark snake. Its tail darted behind it to ring a bell on the desk.

The doctor hurried in.
"What on earth happened here?"

He leaned over and gave the little scrapes some thought. A few scrapes like that he could heal quickly and easily. He touched his horn to her, and a bit of light surrounded them and healed her.
Purple could feel the cuts and scratches disappear. The relazlxatikn of the healing gave her time to take in her surroundings. A table with magazines, standard residents of a medical office. Then she saw the snake. "What's up Doc? Ooooh a snake.! the purple mare opened her arms wide in a gesture to get the snake to "hug" her. "Oh. Name is Purple Pepper. I was wondering if I can set up an appointment for my parents. How are you with ponies in their fifties?