Thanks guys

For the bushes I did the following:
  1. pulled apart some steel wool to gather some strands
  2. twist the center of the bunch together to create a trunk for the bush
  3. superglue and let dry
  4. cut the bundle in half at the glue point to create 2 bush armatures
  5. arrange the steel fibers to create arough bush and clip away wild strands
  6. airbrushed the wire armatures brown, then washed with Babab Black for the bark
  7. use spray adhesive on the top and sides
  8. quickly dip the armature into some flock

Once that was done I airbrushed some green in successively lighter shades to create the look I wanted for the foliage. I also suggest wrapping the trunk of the bush with masking tape so you have a larger handle to hold onto and to protect it from the green paint when you do the leaves.