Quote Originally Posted by InyutheBeatIs View Post
[Venti Buon - Carmelia]

Carmelia simply nods her head and walks in through the door, looking around at the other customers. It took some getting used to this sort of situation, being around humans like this. She definitely seems hesitant to be in this place. Not in a shy manner, but in a "I really don't think I should be here" manner.

Carmelia sits down at the table that Hasunaga had chosen, looking around at the others with a little bit of suspicion. "So," Carmelia said, her voice almost instinctively low, "I suppose I should as well, to appear normal?"

[Venti Buon - Rosa]

Rosa noticed the wave from Hasunaga, and quickly showed up at their table. She noticed the odd, hooded, cloaked figure with him. Odd. She thought. However, she just smiled and bowed to the two of them. "Good morning. May I take your order?"
"I'll have a double mocha cream latte and three croissants. Carmelia-san will be having some grape juice." Hasunaga noted idly. He mouthed the words, Lower the hood, you're attracting attention in her general direction while Rosa jotted down their order.