Quote Originally Posted by The Alexandrian View Post
[No Hope Hospital]

As Tom sprints down the hall, the chamber dissolves into nothingness behind him.

Percilia trips and falls to the ground about 3/4 of the way to the exit.


She appears to have landed wrong and busted her knee. It is evident that Percilia will not be able to escape without Tom's assistance, but if Tom provides her with aid, he himself might not be able to abscond.

No Hope Hospital

Going back for her is all very wonderful, in theory. It sounds heroic and noble, the right thing to do, and a daring act of selflessness that any fellow with a single moral bone in their body would attempt in a heartbeat. I mean, if he runs through that exit alone, he might as well put on the purple robe and go right back to hating on elves, because there's nothing else standing between him and Magtok if he goes right back to putting his own life first.

In practice, however, an empty abyss stalking after him as he rushes out of a horrific nightmare hospital is goddamn motherfudging scary. One could hardly fault the good doctor if he looked back and decided the chances of them both plunging to their deaths was far too high, and decided to abandon her and forget ahead on his own. I mean, she's probably just an NPC, right? Not even a Nexus NPC, but some generic vanilla outsider from another world. Nobody would mourn Percilia; nothing would be lost if she were to be taken away from this world. A Thomas Godlark is something valuable, something precious, but a Percilia? Completely insignificant. As the Good Book once said, Cura te ipsum.

In spite of everything, Doctor Thomas Godlark stops, turns around, and reaches out to pick her up off the ground. The world has enough Magtoks as is, anyway.