Ishmael bows without mischief in his eyes or posture. Not only because he has been told of the number of secret guards the man has but also because he really admires the one that unified his people and made them a power to be reckoned with.

"Total Domination? Well... one step at a time sire. For now the Jacks number two less, we have the information about yet another hiding place, a positive ID on the Ear, some more info about their organisation and structure and the fact that they have yet another hub at the Slaver's Den and plans to cause them a fair amount of trouble before then as well... I have kept myself busy and I hope that pleases you..." he says proud to be reporting to someone as important as the Shadow Spider and hoping his news are good news.

He goes into greater detail about his exploits and all details and info he has gathered on the Jacks since last time he was here and he also mentions his plan about the Dayman and his venture in the Scale Street hide out.

"Your nephew suggested I approach the Kobolds for this last part since Old Town is for now theirs and we work together on occassion from what I understand. Perhaps I can get some contacts with them so that I may get some info on the man I killed to infiltrate the Jacks and also some backing if things turn sour... I mean I hope all goes well and I earn a spot as a Jack, better to get info for you and strike from inside when the time comes but though I am capable it would be foolish to expect to take out the Dayman and his cronies on my own..." he repeats with conviction.

"But you had asked to see me first sire. Your needs take priority over my eagerness and plans. What can I do for you today?" he says with a smile.


I am off to bed... feel free to drown me in requests/paragraphs and information for when I wake up to have things to work with :D