Bolt shells fill the air, the Astartes weapons thundering in their hands as they hurl deadly projectiles downfield towards the hideous Xenos scum. A hail of Metal Storm shells rip into the Northern horde, and the results are horrendous. Explosions and shrapnel shred through the Hormagaunts, reducing them nothing more than charred hunks of chitin and shredded piles of pulped flesh.

Meanwhile, the Southern horde is subjected to a volley of Hellfire rounds. The shells blast through the Tyranids' shells, filling their victims with mutagenic acid and splashing the corrosive substance upon other nearby Xenos. Hormagaunts shriek and convulse as they're eaten alive by the cleansing substance, but their unscathed comrades carry on. Sanctius fires a volley of normal bolt shells, but aside from a few glancing blows they have very little effect.

The surviving Hormagaunts carry on their assault, covering more than half the distance in naught more than a few seconds. A series of roars then echo in the distance, and out of the smoke and haze several more swarms of Tyranid appear! Approaching from all four directions, the hordes of Xenos begin to charge across the barren tundra, intent on slaughtering the Kill-Team.

Two the North and East, Hormagaunts come charging, their numbers even greater than the previous two swarms. To the West and South, a slightly differing creature approaches in two large waves. Similar to Hormagaunts, their hunched forms appear to be armed with primitive bio-weapons, as well as sharp talons and jagged fangs. The Deathwatch team instantly realizes them as Termagaunts, and their numbers are much greater than many of the Hormagaunt hordes they've encountered. However, in the midst of the Western Termagaunts and Eastern Hormagaunts, a pair of larger and more imposing creatures stride forth into battle.

Towering above the smaller Tyranids, the hideous beast even dwarfs the Astartes, scraping the sky at around 15 feet high. Both sport six limbs, though they are slightly different in appearance. Both have a pair of legs to walk upon, and then two sets of arms. The Western creature carries a large bio-weapon in its middle arms and sports a large pair of chitinous scythes on its upper arms, while the Eastern creature flexes a set of razor-sharp talons on all four arms. Dense chitinous plating covers much of their bodies, almost rivaling the power armor the Kill-Team bears. Theirs physiology is strange, and their form unnatural. Truly, these creatures iare an abomination. But the most disturbing thing the beasts possess are undoubtedly their eyes. Whereas the Hormagaunts and Termagaunts only have a soulless hunger in their eyes, these creatures' eyes spark with sentience and understanding.

With a loud roar, both Tyranid Warriors charges forth, leading their broods to war.


Alriiiiight, things are about to get interesting.

Currently, there are 5 Hordes.

The surviving original Hormagaunt Horde is at Mag 10, and is currently 20 meters to the South.

To the North, there's a Mag 25 Hormagaunt Horde. To the South, a Mag 20 Termagaunt Horde. To the East, a Mag 30 Hormagaunt Horde with a melee-oriented Warrior accompanying them. To the West, a Mag 30 Termagaunt Horde with a Devourer-armed Warrior. All 4 of these Hordes are 80 meters away.