You were surprised, you lost your spot checks. They've had a bead on you for a while and have prepped actions that are still holding over since the surprise round(/since your conversation with the man).

You're in charge of asking questions about your tactical situation if you think you don't understand it. You could ask a clarifying question before the action.

I'll try to be better in explainations too.

Here you are now. Wandering through a mostly deserted neighborhood of town. Not know to be particularily dangerous, as the population has needed to band together to survive. As the man is confidently disappearing into a builing, the two other men have you pinned(pincer style in ff terms) as though they want you to go into the doorway. The street is '15 wide, but if you tried to get past either one, you'd come awefully close to them.

The nearest populated area is residential, and would take you about 4 minutes to run to.

You face N. There are buildings with doors at E and W. The man disappeared into the W building. Men are N and S of you in the middle of the road and probably came from a doorway or the edge of one of the buildings.

Unless you decide not to run given that info, the grapples stand. If you have more initiative ?'s you can put them in OOC.