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    Barbarian in the Playground
    Rebelhero's Avatar

    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Default Re: My Little Pony XVI: There's a Pony for That!

    Ladies(?) in the lamps.
    While you do make for an....interesting lamp lady SiuiS... I think i should try and... WAIT! Does this thing has a tractor beam!? Oh man! It does. Targeting the lamps. and DRAW EM IN! *ponyard laughs happily* Haha! no I have the harem girl-men! Its kinda weird! but its adventurous!

    Ok so i had a brain wave. hear me out. ok so elements of harmony= parts of friendship right? now what if, each of the elements had a partner, Twlight and Trixie, applejack and soren, Rainbow and DJ Pon-3 and so on. Would the power of love make the elements even stronger? Like super charge them? cause i totally want to write that into the end of ponyard's story.
    Last edited by Rebelhero; 2011-07-24 at 11:25 PM.

    My current story ponies-Ponylagann in the Ponythread.

    Filly Pokey Pierce