Quote Originally Posted by Chaotic Bob View Post
[Party Room]

A small warning. That's enough.

Off to the side, two of Feia's fingers twitch, shaping out a brief rune into the air.
Whichever Magbot or clone is manning the security cameras will find themselves without visual feeds for about 30 seconds or so, as the data is somehow rerouted elsewhere.

That's precisely how long she'll be indulging Kirk.
30 seconds for him to engage in his anger-lust, with the sorceress catering to him.
Did she want to? To do this?
Or is it part of something else?
Her eyes, clear and watching through all of this, reveal nothing.

A slight tenseness along his back, while Feia curls an arm around him, before her lips acquire an icy sensation.
His warning.
The only warning.

((Slight camera godmod approved.))
Kirk makes full use of his thirty seconds. It's very likely the best, most passionate kiss he's ever given. The drow puts one hand behind her head, clutching a fistful of hair. Feia is likely bombarded with the lustful thoughts that are currently overwhelming his logic. There's no doubt that he wants this to go further.

By the time the thirty seconds rolls around, Kirk is showing no signs of stopping, or thinking of stopping. In fact, the intensity of the kissing has only increased for the duration, despite the crowded room.

The poor bastard.