Brilliant game. I would've been able to work out the box holder if it hadn't've been for Tilt's betrayal.

On that note, why was it that my teams kept dying? Seriously, I had the worst luck with getting teammates, not that I didn't know Ramsus would probably have half-a-dozen. I'm assuming Reinholdt had quite a few as well.


1.Oh! The intruige! You never could trust your team, and trusting Tilt and Lex enough to tell them I was the observer... was my downfall. I knew the reason as soon as I died.

However, the on the plus side, the double faced lies that everyone told was rather brilliant. I could go at length, but really. Twas fun all.

2. Annoying only in the regard that despite narrowing it down to TWO people before I died... Meh. It was a cool role to have after starting as just a villager.

3.Could use some more balance, but Tilt has better ideas on this.

4.Uhhh... Could I be the Jammer next time? =P

Brilliant Job, Tilt. I'd already worked out Banjo and LordLoss were teammates, but I'd managed to convince myself that Grimmace was the third one.

Hence why I actually revealed my role. Epic fail from my part.