Quote Originally Posted by darthbobcat View Post
I personally ship Colgate with a deep annoyance with Doctor Whooves, her master Time Lord trainer.

That's right. I ship her with her annoyance at someone. THAT'S HOW ANNOYED SHE IS.
Narcissistic toothpaste. Got it.

Also the proper term for Celestia is Mature Beauty. Every equivalent saying (MILF, Cougar, etc) has negative connotations.
Huh. I want to say I have never had Milf bring negative connotations, but then there is the whole "I didn't want to use the world Milf" thing.
Of course, mature beauty has negative connotations, too. So I'll just say she is the pony equivalent of a beautiful woman.

Quote Originally Posted by Brazen Shield View Post
Braz's Version of a Quote Post:
Last Thread Catch-up Edition!!

We did ><
I think they mean like, transcribed into writing. Which is why I think it would be board-inappropriate. Also, not particularly topical.

I don't know I just...
I worry.
Stars and Garters, why the hay did I show you where those things were? Hittin' me with the sad pony face. We just had a conversation around here about not abusing the sad pony face! I mean, c'mon!

Haha!! Yeah. You don't wanna see us argue. I cuss a lot.

What? What were YOU thinking he meant?
... Yeah. That's what I meant. except it's totally not ;þ

Yay! Our first shipper!!
Silly, why do online what you can do in person? ;D
Uh, Braz honey, I don't think...

I don't even know how to respond to respond to this.

You know it sounds like you just invited Lix Lorn over to our house, right?

Ugh! Don't Remind me!!

But yes we have shoddy cable. Half the stuff recorded gets cut off or flips in and out of service. Getting it fixed before season two though!
I'm holdin' you to this. Hard.

Thank you.
It's supposed to be Brazen's cutiemark. ("cutie mark?" two words or one?)
Her coat is that dark purple color in the background. My best friend made the avatar for me and SiuiS helped me come up with the design.
I think it would look better if the background were transparent, but that's me. The colors don't look right.

Quote Originally Posted by Thanqol View Post
"Hi, I'm a representative for your student union, can I talk about your vote?"
"Sure, I've got one question first. What do you think of ponies?"
"They're... chubby."
"And a good alternative to horses?"
"Chubby alternative to horses. All right. Who's your favourite pony?"
"I don't know any ponies personally."
"Okay, there was a brown one at a farm."
"Okay, the brown fat pony is your favourite. I reckon that's worth taking a flier."

Ponyrolled a few others, but their conversations were less notable. It was a good day.
Good responses from this one.

"so the fat brown one? Good enough". Classic.


So hey folks. I'm having the second thoughts.
Our planned Marathon for the 3rd, I'm starting to view it more and more as just a stunt. I'm not sure that's a good thing.

We have a couple folks who like the speed we are at now. I can't help but feel like blitzing through the thread is an insult to all the poor ponies who are having trouble keeping up as it is.
