So I guess this is as good a point as any to inject some stuff I've been thinking about for a while:

Not getting gender can be quite uncomfortable. For me, it's a fairly constant struggle. It's a constant attempt at putting me into a category that simply doesn't exist for me. Even the feminist movement is telling you that there's a way you are because you're a woman. And that whole celebrate womanhood stuff? Doesn't make sense to me. Even within the LGBT community...a lot of times the message seems to be "well we're ok if you're in the other category, but you have to be in a category." You can't just be you, you have to belong to one of the categories. One of the first questions you get asked everywhere is "what category are you in." It's an imposed identity, and I don't like living with an imposed identity, because it's people outside saying this is part of me when it's not, it has nothing to do with anything I consider myself.